Thursday, November 30, 2017

Albums Of The Year 2017

This year it's been a very difficult task to narrow it down to just 10 albums but here's my selection of the best of 2017.  I've provided a selection of tracks from each of the albums, so please have a listen/watch and let me have your comments and contributions.

1. The War of Drugs - A Deeper Understanding

2. The National - Sleep Well Beast

3. Elbow - Little Fictions

4. Michael Head And The Red Elastic Band - Adiós Señor Pussycat

5.  Future Islands - The Far Field

6. The XX - I See You

7. St Vincent - Masseducation

8. The Charlatans _ Different Days

9. LCD Soundsystem - American Dream

10. Beck - Colors

Bubbling under:
Grizzly Bear - Painted Ruins;  British Sea Power - Let The Dancers Inherit The Party;  Laura Marling - Semper Femina;  Alt  J - Relaxer;  Arcade Fire - Everything Now;  Everything Everything - A Fever Dream;  Paul Weller - A Kind Revolution; Fleet Foxes - Crack Up.


  1. Oh dear, I only have one of these & 4 of the bands I haven't heard of! So it'll be great to discover new bands over Crimbo.

  2. Crikey, thought you'd know more. But as you say plenty of Christmas listening!

  3. Peter4:06 pm

    A few i haven't heard there harry.
    got to agree with the national and the war on drugs.
    But where is "laughing academy " by punishment of luxury ?
    (still sound great , give it a listen )

  4. Seem to remember seeing Punishment of Luxury live back in the day. Will have to see if it still stands up. Interested to see your top ten?!

  5. peter1:26 pm

    its being mulled over in great detail at the moment !!

  6. Glad you are spending your time doing something productive.
