The new look website aims to reflect Stuart's wider body of work. The intention is to put his entire collection online, which means you'll be able to browse, search and even request to purchase individual photographs. The brand new 'Football, Photography & The World' will feature music festivals and environmental issues as well as, of course, his great specialism footy. Stuart has enjoyed great success with his Homes Of Football Exhibition in Ambleside, Cumbria over the past 15 years. His work has had a huge impact on the changing the face of football culture. A record-breaking 15 year exhibition tour to 88 cities and 2 million people. A staggering 1,200 media interviews, five books, two TV programmes, three quarters of a million visitors to the Ambleside headquarters and the plaudits of football legends, national team managers and even some heads of government. Stuart Clarke's own Giant Step Book Publishing will be releasing a series of books over the coming years, reflecting the growth in the archive. There are currently 2012 photos online... and counting. Definitely worth a look methinks!
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