To huge sighs of relief the Yorkshire Futures website is finally here. After 10 months from project initiation to go live, the Yorkshire Futures website is now up and running.
Our expertly written press release says it all.
New website for regional data and intelligence
Yorkshire Futures have launched their new website which has been re-designed in collaboration with Futurate, a Sheffield based digital agency. The website has been re-launched with a vibrant new look, new content, new features and provides the latest data and intelligence about the region.
The site is designed to be easy to use and informative, whether visitors want to find out about how the region is performing on the economy, environment and society, read about the latest published research and statistics, view and download images from around the region or find out about conferences and events.
The new design follows several months of research and development with website users and partner organisations, to find out what they wanted most from the site.
Ian Aspinall, Communications Manager at Yorkshire Futures said:
“Our aim was to develop a website that reflects our role as a provider of high quality, timely and relevant information. As well as providing key research, statistics and data, the site showcases good practice within the region, the changing economic, social and environmental life of our region through Progress in Pictures, as well as a new events calendar, RSS feeds, e-news bulletin and micro sites which all enhance the user experience.”
“This will significantly improve our digital presence and supports our mission to provide information and intelligence about the region, for the region, to improve decision making and better prepare us for the future.”
The site was developed in partnership with Sheffield based digital agency Futurate, who brought their award-winning creative design and innovative approach to the website, together with a fully integrated content management system, accessibility guidelines and website components.
Gill Osguthorpe, Operations Director of Futurate said: "It’s been great to have the opportunity to work with Yorkshire Futures to create an innovative new digital space. We’ve invested a lot of thinking in developing new ways to support their role as a key provider of research, information and intelligence in the region.”
Major new features on the Website include:
*Progress in Pictures - a longitudinal study of progress in the region through the medium of photography
*What Works Showcase - detailed case studies of best practice from around the region
*Tabbed News, Events, Research and Publications - Easy to use tabbed menu of news, events, research and publications means that finding the latest information is at the touch of a button
*Fully Integrated Search - includes searching of Yorkshire Futures partner sites
Talking about the new website, Simon Foy, Executive Director of Strategy at Yorkshire Forward and Chair of the Yorkshire Futures Steering Group, said: “ The new website is a great improvement on the previous site and provides a range of new features and services that will be extremely beneficial to our partners and other people working in the region. “
The new Yorkshire Futures website is now online at www.yorkshirefutures.com
Note to Editors:
1. Yorkshire Futures is the region’s ‘Intelligence Network’. It seeks to help make Yorkshire and Humber a better place by bringing issues to the fore that need resolving; communicating solutions; and monitoring progress.
2. Yorkshire Futures commissioned Futurate at: www.futurate.com a Sheffield based digital agency to produce the website during 2009.
3. For more information, please contact Ian Aspinall, Communications Manager, Yorkshire Futures on 0113 394 9988; email ian.aspinall@yorkshirefutures.com
or Bea Jefferson, Programme Manager, Yorkshire Futures on 0113 394 9694 email bea.jefferson@yorkshirefutures.com
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