Welcome to 'The Open Neck Shirt - A Blog for Our Times.'This is an online forum for a group of disparate students and some Manchester based friends, who started at Manchester Polytechnic in 1978. Ian Harry Aspinall, Neil Aloysius Smith, Peter Sebastian Younger, Phil G'day Sorah, Kenneth Albert Thorpe, Ian Stan Shaw, Gary Vicary, Ian Clark, Graham Sutherland, Jon Marshall and various other occasional guests.
It's only taken 27 years to get this forum started.
But now it has finally begun, let's start with a rant about .... 'What's Currently Annoying With The World'.
Rant No 1- The Rage of Age1. Stupid ringtones and loud f**kers - Have some manners.
2. Is the Premiership boring argument - No it isn't.
3. Loyalty Cards and Points - Just give us the money off.
4. Takeaway rubbish littering the streets - You Chavs put it in the bin.
5. Stupid hairstyles for men - Get a grip on yourselves boys.
6. Clone Towns - We don't want the same shops and shopping centres in every small town.
7. Fern Cotton, Top of the Pops - Get rid of this woman with the ridiculously pretentious voice.
8. ID Cards - Potential cost 5.8bn, they are having a laarf.
9. Bernard Ingham - Yorkshire pratt extraordinaire.
10. Dog shit on my front lawn - Just clean it up.
Future topics include: More Rants; the Annual Get Together; Neil's 'former' sex life; Where we will go on the 25th November this year?
Other important topics include: Football (Yes, aren't Wigan doing well); Beer (does that include Lager?); Good Music (but don't mention Chris de Burgh); Culture and Politics (that covers just about everything then).
Please feel free to add your comments/ideas below and don't forget to send any embarrassing electronic photographs to me so that they can be published on this blog.